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Why Do I Still Feel Hungry on Saxenda?

When taking Saxenda you’ll still feel hungry but you may notice changes to your appetite. Let's look at what happens when taking Liraglutide.
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We’re all guilty of letting our expectations get a bit too high sometimes (the finale of Game of Thrones, anyone?) and when you begin a weight loss journey it’s an easy trap to fall into.

Many people who start taking Saxenda weight loss injections assume that their appetite will disappear entirely and the medication will do all of the work for them, but unfortunately, this just isn’t true.

When you’re taking Saxenda you’re still going to feel hungry, although you will probably notice some changes to your appetite, so let’s take a closer look and discover what really happens when you start taking weight loss injections.

Does Saxenda make you feel hungry?

No, Saxenda does not make you feel hungry, in fact, it’s usually the opposite!

Saxenda helps to reduce your appetite by affecting your hunger hormones, making it easier for you to stick to a lower-calorie diet.

However, this doesn’t mean that you’ll stop feeling hungry altogether and can just forget food is a necessity.

You will probably feel less hungry than you would without Saxenda and will likely feel fuller for longer, but your appetite will still be there.

You will also need to eat a healthy, balanced diet to make sure that your body is getting all the nutrients it needs to function at its best during your treatment and beyond.

Is Liraglutide an appetite suppressant?

Liraglutide is the active ingredient in Saxenda and it is an appetite suppressant, although that was not the reason why it was created.

Liraglutide was initially developed to be a medication for type 2 diabetes mellitus and it is used to help patients keep their blood sugar levels in check.

During the development of Liraglutide, patients found that they were losing weight as their appetite was lessened by the medication’s effect on their hormones and blood sugar.

Testing has shown that Liraglutide is an effective weight loss medication, with most patients losing at least 5% of their starting weight after 12 weeks on the highest dose of Saxenda.

These patients aren’t skipping food altogether, but have started to form healthier habits with their diet using Liraglutide as a helping hand to make the process easier in the long term.

What happens if you eat too much on Saxenda?

If you eat too much while taking Saxenda you’ll experience the same symptoms you would when overeating without Saxenda.

The only real difference is that you may feel fuller sooner, so you may find that you need less food before you over-eat.

If you eat too much or too quickly you may experience symptoms of indigestion, including:

  • Wind (burping or flatulence)
  • Stomach pain or discomfort
  • Heartburn or acid reflux
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Bloating
  • A bitter taste in your mouth

You can avoid these symptoms by eating more slowly and mindfully while keeping an eye on how much you’re eating.

However, indigestion is a common side effect of Saxenda and other GLP-1 receptor agonists, so make sure to check in with your doctor, prescriber or healthcare team, just in case.

Do I need to avoid any foods while I’m on Saxenda?

There aren’t any foods that you absolutely must avoid while taking Saxenda.

The medication isn’t currently known to interact with any foods, so really anything goes. But (and there’s a big but!) if you want to lose weight you’ll need to reduce your calorie intake and stay at a calorie deficit for a while.

So although you can eat whatever you want, that doesn’t mean that you should.

If you eat 10 Big Macs a day you may not experience any unwanted symptoms due to Saxenda, but you’re unlikely to lose any weight either.

Instead, eat a healthy, balanced diet, start keeping track of your calories, keep an eye on your portions, and focus on slow, sustainable weight loss while Saxenda helps to keep your appetite in check.

What is the best diet to follow when taking weight loss injections?

The best diet to follow while taking weight loss injections is one that helps you to keep a calorie deficit.

There are lots of ways to do this and you’ll probably find that a diet that works for you won’t work for someone else.

The only hard and fast ‘rule’ we’d want to suggest is making sure that you eat a healthy and balanced diet which includes all of the major food groups.

If you’re stuck for ideas, you can try checking out the Eatwell Guide, information about healthy eating from the NHS, or speak to your healthcare team and ask their advice.

There are lots of options out there, so you’re sure to find something that works for you if you keep trying things out and don’t give up!

Hopefully, you’ve learned a little bit more about Saxenda today and we’ve given you something to think about if you’re considering weight loss injections.

With that being said, it never hurts to be well informed about your medication, so why not read a few more of our articles about Saxenda and other weight loss medicines?

Here are a few of our top picks that will answer some more of your burning questions.

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Laura Henderson

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