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Rybelsus (Semaglutide Tablets)

Rybelsus is a once-daily tablet treatment for type 2 diabetes and it’s used to reduce blood sugar levels. They are a suitable alternative for those who don’t mind trading convenience for a lack of needles.

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What is Rybelsus?

Rybelsus is a type 2 diabetes treatment that contains an active ingredient called Semaglutide.


While it was being used as a diabetes medication, patients found that it had an unexpected effect on their appetite, sparking research into whether Semaglutide could be used as a weight-loss medication.


It turns out that Semaglutide can help people lose weight by reducing their appetite, making it easier to stick to a lower-calorie diet as a result. This is why it’s used in the weight management injection, Wegovy.

Are Rybelsus, Ozempic, and Wegovy the same thing?

Rybelsus, Ozempic, and Wegovy are all treatments that use the same active ingredient – Semaglutide.


As they’re all based on this ingredient, they all work in the exact same way, even though they’re licensed to treat different things.


At the moment, Rybelsus and Ozempic are used to treat type 2 diabetes by lowering blood sugar, while Wegovy is licensed as a weight-loss treatment.


Naturally, the biggest difference between Rybelsus and Ozempic or Wegovy is that Rybelsus comes in tablets while the others are weekly injections.


This doesn’t make any one treatment more or less effective in general, so the one that’s right for you will depend on your personal circumstances, treatment preferences and what you’re using your treatment for.

What is Rybelsus used for?

Rybelsus is a treatment for type 2 diabetes and it’s used to reduce blood sugar levels.


It uses Semaglutide to stimulate the production of insulin in your pancreas while also slowing down the production of a hormone called glucagon.


These two hormones work together to control your appetite — affecting the fullness centre in your brain while also slowing the emptying of your stomach.


By affecting these two hormones, Rybelsus effectively reduces your blood sugar and your appetite, helping you to feel satisfied for longer after a meal and making it easier for you to stick to a calorie-controlled diet.


Naturally, this makes it easier for you to lose weight as your treatment continues, even though this is not the explicit purpose of your medication.

Can I use this treatment for weight loss?

Rybelsus is not licensed for weight loss in the UK, but Semaglutide is licensed for weight loss in the form of Wegovy injections.


So yes, the active ingredient in Rybelsus can be used for weight loss, but only if it’s prescribed specifically for that purpose by a doctor or prescriber.


With that in mind, if you’ve been using these tablets to manage your diabetes, you shouldn’t try to change what you’re doing to use the treatment for weight loss unless you’ve been advised to do so by a medical professional.

Does Rybelsus have side effects?

Yes, Rybelsus can have side effects, just like any other medication, but you may not experience them for yourself.


Many people who experience side effects while taking this product find that they settle down over time as their body gets used to the treatment.


The most common side effects of Rybelsus include the following:

If you do experience any side effects while taking this treatment, you should speak to your healthcare team and ask them for advice.


Here at myBMI, our team can provide supplementary treatments to help you manage symptoms like heartburn until they’ve settled down, helping to make you more comfortable as you continue your weight loss journey with us.

What dose of Semaglutide tablets should I be taking?

Rybelsus Semaglutide tablets come in three strengths 3mg, 7mg, and 14mg.


When you first begin your treatment, you’ll take a 3mg tablet once a day, every day.


Over time, your dose will be increased until you’re taking a 14mg tablet every day, this process of increasing your dose is called titration.


Although 14mg a day is the highest dose of Rybelsus, you may find that you’ll be able to reduce your dose back down to 7mg as you maintain your weight loss, it all depends on the results you’re seeing and whether you experience any side effects during your treatment.


Either way, you’ll consult with your healthcare team and come up with a plan together that will take your personal needs into account and help you get the best out of your treatment.


Can I buy Rybelsus in the UK?

Rybelsus, like all other treatments which use Semaglutide, is a prescription-only medication.


This means that you can’t buy it outright as you would with something like paracetamol or an over-the-counter medication like Orlistat, but will need a prescription for your treatment.


Rybelsus is available on the NHS, but like Ozempic, it’s currently only available in the UK as a treatment for Type 2 diabetes.

Active IngredientType 2 Diabetes TreatmentWeight Loss Medication
TirzepatideMounjaroCurrently unknown

Content Written By

Picture of Morgan Pennington

Morgan Pennington

Reviewed & Fact-Checked

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