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Can Saxenda Affect Your Menstrual Cycle?

Saxenda is a medicine that can help with weight loss but does it also affect your menstrual cycle? Our experts reveal the truth.

Saxenda and your period

If you have regular periods, it can be pretty concerning if your cycle suddenly changes.

A lot of the time, menstrual changes are down to hormonal fluctuations.

However, some people that start taking Saxenda notice a change in their periods and wonder if it could be due to the injections.  

Although some medicines can affect your menstrual cycle directly (hormonal contraception, for example), nothing to do with periods or menstruation is mentioned in the patient information leaflet.

This means that it hasn’t been reported as a side effect of the medication.  

However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that Saxenda won’t affect your periods in other ways.

Changes in weight can affect your monthlies – especially if you’ve experienced a sudden or rapid weight loss. 

This is because of a change in the levels of certain reproductive hormones that are involved with menstruation.

When these levels are disturbed or disrupted, it can cause changes to your cycle.

This could mean that you experience irregular periods or they could even stop completely for a while.  

can saxenda affect your menstrual cycle

Because Saxenda causes weight loss, it’s possible that any menstrual irregularities could be down to how much weight you’ve lost.

You’re particularly likely to experience changes if you’ve lost a substantial amount of weight in a fairly short amount of time.

Sudden weight loss is a fairly common cause of irregular periods and amenorrhea (lack of periods). 

Being overweight can also lead to irregular periods as it can cause imbalances in your menstrual hormones.

However, if you’re losing weight with Saxenda, your periods should stabilise along with your weight. 

If you haven’t lost any weight yet but you’re still experiencing a change in your periods with Saxenda, try not to worry.

It could just be because your weight loss isn’t showing on the scales yet.

However, the NHS do recommend contacting your doctor if any of the following statements apply to you:

  • Your periods are suddenly irregular and you’re under 45
  • There is at least a 20 day difference between your shortest and longest cycles
  • You have periods more often than ever 21 days
  • You have periods less often than ever 35 days
  • Your period lasts for more than 7 days

If any of these sound like you, it can’t harm to make an appointment to make sure that there’s no underlying cause for your symptoms.

Your menstrual cycle can tell you a lot about your health.

If you suspect that something might be wrong, or your period changes can’t be explained by weight loss, please contact your GP for advice. 

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Laura Henderson

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